Ernesto Rodrigues with Heddy Boubaker, in Abrantes

A fully improvised set with two clever explorers of their very own instruments, Portuguese violinist Ernesto Rodrigues and French sax player Heddy Boubaker were both very competent on their dialogue.

This could actually have been their major sin. Players got truly involved in the ‘conversation’ and there were no place for big risk. Music was there, with adventurous sonic explorations and innovative aural stimulus for curious ears. But in a duo context, free music gets in a upper level when players can ask hard questions or take action into provocative ideas.

Rodrigues + Boubaker, Abt 2

Rodrigues + Boubaker, Abt 4

At the end, we can say that last night was a good beginning for MUSICAM, an audacious new event in a beautiful city like Abrantes, not really used to free improvisation, jazz or new music.

We strongly believe that the first two cagean minutes of Ernesto and Heddy worked as an initiation ritual for many more great nights in Abrantes. Second step will be this Friday, with Charles Gayle, Michael Wimberly and Larry Roland. Super!


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