Pina Bausch, 1940-2009
The Guardian:
"This morning, 30 June, Pina Bausch died, aged 68 – quickly, after a cancer diagnosis five days ago. Only two Sundays ago, she appeared on stage at the Wuppertaler Opernhaus.
Theatre and opera simply wouldn't look the way they do today without her.
We have lost dance's most visionary, influential figure, who redrew the map of the theatre arts"
Dossier @ The Guardian;
Dossier @ El País;
Photo-gallery @ Público;
La virtuosité très personnelle de Pina Bausch @ Le Monde;
La Reine du théâtre dansé @ Arte.TV;
Dossier @ El País;
Photo-gallery @ Público;
La virtuosité très personnelle de Pina Bausch @ Le Monde;
La Reine du théâtre dansé @ Arte.TV;