
Fix what you ear...

Heiner Goebbels/Ensemble Modern
Eislermaterial, ECM New series, 2002

Não consigo deixar de mergulhar na releitura/homenagem de Goebbels a Hans Eisler. Uma e outra vez. Repetindo faixa a faixa, esqueço-me que existo e sou conduzido pelo baixo forte que estrutura ritmicamente a voz teatral de Josef Bierbichler. Desde logo hiptotizado pelo harmonio da abertura, pela força do rigor melódico, pelo timbre de palco de Bierbichler.

The songs that Bierbichler contributes, with their simple, effective melodies, contrast with the highly wrought samples of Eisler's instrumental music - he was after all a Schoenberg pupil - yet everything coheres, everything is bound together by Goebbels's enthusiasm and his gift for the most unlikely juxtapositions.

Eislermaterial is simultaneously a tribute, a disinterment and a deconstruction; but it is also an enchanting and affectionate portrait of one of the most fascinating and underrated figures in 20th-century music, put together by one of the most original composers working today.

Andrew Clements, The Guardian.

Lisboa recebeu Eislermaterial há meia dúzia de anos, em Dezembro de 2001. Culturgest. Memorável.


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